IMFA #5: Always Have Your Contact Information on Your Website

This article is part of the Internet Marking for Artists series that you can follow at

Not having your contact information online is one of the key mistakes some artists make.

There are times when people, such as clients, who want to contact you for whatever reasons or even to commission jobs. It would be a wasted opportunity if they are unable to contact you because they don't know how to.

You should at least have your email contact clearly visible on your website, preferable on the Contact page or About page. If you're uncomfortable about leaving your email address online, some blogging software will have contact forms that visitors can fill out - use them.

You can also list other avenues of contact such as through Twitter, Facebook, G+ and other social media sites. For Facebook, make sure you check the Spam folder because sometimes messages get filtered there.

If you don't want to leave your contact information online. Then at least put a notice saying so to let visitors can know that your contact information is left out intentionally.

PS: I'm writing this because I've tried to contact a few artists for interviews and their contact information is nowhere to be found.