Hired Book Reviewers

Here's an article from New York Times that caught my attention, The Best Book Reviews Money Can Buy.

Wow. The guy was making $28,000 a month!

Imagine how many artbooks you can buy with that kind of money. I must be doing something wrong.

Then I finished the article and realized it didn't end happily ever after.

Stuff like this that gives reviewers a bad name. It also makes people suspicious of not just the reviews but the motives of the reviewer.

It's not uncommon to see authors looking for reviewers on the Amazon reviewers forums. Sometimes they would offer to pay money. I'm glad to say that I've not been given such offers, and I'll not be entertaining such offers — I won't be earning $28,000 monthly anytime soon.

The Incognito Project Book

Update: I've just funded this book for a future giveaway contest.

Terry Strickland (blog) has launch a Kickstarter campaign to release her first art book The Incognito Project Book.

It's going to be 9.5 by 12 inches — that's huge — with at least 100 pages including the paintings and photos of the making-of.


It's a good book. Help spread the word around.