An Illustrated Life: Seamus Heffernan

Seamus Heffernan

Seamus grew up in New England and now lives in Portland, Oregon. He recently graduated with a BFA in painting from the Pacific Northwest College of Art and did a semester abroad with the Aegean Center for the Fine Arts in Greece. He is a freelance illustrator/painter/comics artist. His work has been published in various anthologies such as The Portland Nobodies Comics Anthology, Postcards: True Stories that Never Happened and The Portland Funbook and can be seen at

Source: An Illustrated Life

An Illustrated Life: Peter Cusack

Peter Cusack

Peter has lived in and around New York his whole life. He studied at the private studio of Andrew Reiss, at The Art Students League with Harvey Dinnerstein, at L'Ecole Albert Dufois with Ted Seth Jacobs, and earned an MFA in illustration at Syracuse University. He is an illustrator and book designer and teaches painting. His work can be seen at and

Source: An Illustrated Life

An Illustrated Life: Paola Gaviria

Paolo Gaviria

Paola grew up in Ecuador and Colombia. She studied visual arts in Medellin, Colombia, and took some short courses in Sydney, Australia. She is currently living in Sydney, where, she says,"Mainly I live as an artist, but sometimes I have to be kitchen-hand, babysitter, waitress, model for fellow artists and practically every day job I can lay my hands on." Her work can be seen in many places online, but start at

Source: An Illustrated Life