Guide to buying Amazon mp3, ebooks, videos and downloads outside of USA

Update 9 Aug 2012: I found out the common problem is caused by associating a payment method with the shipping address.

This guide will help you bypass geographic restrictions to buy the digital content you want. By digital content, I mean mp3, ebooks, digital movies, video games and other downloads.

This guide is written for anyone who uses outside of USA.

Guide to Buying the Amazon Kindle in Singapore

This guide is written for Singaporeans or those living in Singapore

Although Amazon doesn't sell and ship the Kindle to Singapore, it doesn't mean you can't get a Kindle in Singapore.

This guide will show you the workaround to buy a Kindle from Amazon US, and have it shipped to Singapore, into your hands.

Guide to buying computers and laptops for artists

This article was updated on 24 March 2015. And also check out the list of best laptops for artists.

Here's artists' guide to buying computers and laptops.

This is not a geeky guide. I'll not be running benchmarks and timing test.

The general trend nowadays is that processing power is generally exceeding software requirement needs. Put simply, it means whatever computer you buy, it should run your software without much problem, unless you're running specialised software, e.g. 3D rendering software.

This guide is to help you optimize your purchase by recommending what you should get depending on the type of work you create.

Amazon to Singapore Buying & Shipping Guide

(May 2014 update: Shipping charges are checked to be up to date.)

This guide is written for Singaporeans or those living in Singapore.

It should help you decide whether to buy from Amazon. I have bought items from all Amazon branches except from China, Italy and Spain branches.

For buying digital content like mp3, ebooks, etc, read Guide on buying Amazon Digital Content Outside of US.