Book Review: The Art of Laputa

This is the Japanese art book for Hayao Miyazaki's movie Laputa: Castle in the Sky. There's no English translated edition as far as I know.

The style of art follows other Studio Ghibli art books. Most are pencil drawings rendered with water colour. There are plenty of film stills, which is not a bad thing as there are as much concept art included. Other than the character designs, there are also quite a few aviation art pieces on the planes.

Unfortunately, I can't make out captions as they are in Japanese. It seems to me like they included some writeup on how certain special effects are created. There's also a shooting script at the back.

If you own other Studio Ghibli movie art books, you already know what to expect with this. Ultimately, this is more for Miyazaki fans.

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The Art of Laputa - 12

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