Book Review: CG Characters From Sketch to Finish

From sketch to finish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish is an artbook that looks at the creation process of character-focused paintings.

22 artists are featured in this 192-page paperback. The quality of work in general is quite good.

For each painting, around 5 pictures are shown in sequence for the creation process which starts from a basic draft or block in, to the finished versions. 5 pictures is not that much considering some of the paintings are quite detailed. I suppose the purpose here is to get a rough idea of how these artists work. It might give some ideas on where to start if you're having a creative block.

There aren't any instructions to those pictures in sequence, although there are descriptions provided plus a short commentary on the highlight of that particular piece of work.

The artist interviews talk about tools and techniques, but not specific to any piece of work. There are also short drawing tips provided.

Do not expect this to be as detailed as the Digital Painting Techniques series of artbooks. But it's still pretty cool to look at.

The other book in the same series is CG Scenes From Sketch to Finish.

The artists included in the book are:

This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook.

Cg Characters: From Sketch to Finish (Cg from Sketch to Finish) is also available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

CG Characters From Sketch to FInish

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This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook.

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