Book Review: Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Seeing that there's already Star Wars Storyboards: The Prequel Trilogy, it's probably not surprising to expect a second book to complete the set.

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy is as thick as the earlier book at 352 pages. It's hardcover and the paper quality is nice.

The storyboards featured are split between Episodes IV, V and VI, with 82, 112 and 142 pages devoted to each respectively.

These storyboards are of course way older than those from the Prequel Trilogy book. Some of the storyboard artists include Joe Johnston, Ralph McQuarrie, Nilo Rodis-Jamero, Roy Carnon and more. There are 15 artists total. You can see different drawing styles, and medium such as in pencil, ink, markers and even watercolours.

Not every sequence in the film are included of course. In this book are mostly those that require visual effects, or action scenes, or the more complex sequences. It's cool to study the composition and story flow, and the handling of space and perspective is impressive.

The art is fantastic. Many of the storyboards are drawn quite detailed. You can actually make out the designs for the mask that rebels and stormtroopers are wearing. Same goes for the many spaceships and robots.

It's interesting looking at the storyboards for these three old films. Even though the technology supposedly outdated by today's film or sci-fi standards, it doesn't feel that way because of the suggestive nature of art.

The text only comes in the form of short captions describing the scenes on each page.

This is a great artbook that goes well together with the Prequel Trilogy book.

Highly recommended to those who love Star Wars and storyboards.

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

Star Wars Storyboards: The Original Trilogy

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