Book Preview: Nuthin' But Mech

Update: Review is now available at

Book description and images are from Design Studio Press:

Nuthin' But Mech is the brainchild of Lorin Wood of Gearbox Software. He wanted a place to harbor his passion for robots so he put together a blog and corralled some of his friends and professional acquaintances to populate this nook of cyberspace. A collaborative effort from over 40 artists, this title will showcase various styles of mecha design that the artists create while they are not working on block buster movies, tv shows and video games.

Some of the artists included are Alex J. Cunningham, Ben Mauro, Feng Zhu, Ian McQue, Soren Bendt and more.

The book will be out in August 2012.

Nuthin' But Mech is available for sale at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | ES | JP | CN)

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