Book Review: Brian Blomerth's Lilly Wave

Digital review copy provided by the publisher

Brian Blomerth is back again with another graphic novel, this time looking at the life and career of infamous ketamine researcher John Cunningham Lilly.

The book's a 220-page paperback published by Anthology Editions and can be purchased from and Amazon (more links below).

The artworks are illustrated the usual psychedelic art style, if an art style can be described as psychedelic. The artworks are wildly imaginative which definitely suits the subject matter.

FYI, John C. Lilly is the guy who invented the isolation tank and there's part of the story in this book.

This is also the guy who established a facility devoted to fostering human–dolphin communication in the 1950s.

There's a lot to read about John C. Lilly from his Wikipedia page, or you can opt for a more visually stimulating experience with Brian Blomerth's graphic novel.

Here are direct links to the book:
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