An Illustrated Life: Christoph Mueller

Christoph Mueller

Christoph grew up in Landgraaf, Holland, and Aachen, Germany where he now lives. He recently graduated with a degree in graphic design from Aachen University and is now developing his art and working as a waiter, selling sausages and fries. His work can be seen at

Source: An Illustrated Life

An Illustrated Life: Prashant Miranda

Prashant Miranda

Prashant was born in Quilon Kerala on the west coast of South India and grew up in Bangalore. He studied animation film design at the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, India. After animating several children's series, he is now a full-time artist, spending his summers in Toronto, Canada, and winters in Varanasi, India. You can see more of his work at

Source: An Illustrated Life

An Illustrated Life: Hal Mayforth

Hal Mayforth

Hal grew up in Burlington, Vermont, and Hudson Falls, New York, and majored in art at Skidmore College. He has been a freelance editorial illustrator for the past twenty-five years and works out of a studio over the garage attached to his home in East Montpelier, Vermont. You Can see more of his work at

Source: An Illustrated Life

An Illustrated Life: Paul Madonna

Paul Madonna

Paul grew up jut outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He received a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University, majoring in drawing. He now lives in San Francisco, where he is an artist and writer. He publishes a weekly piece in the San Francisco Chronicle called "All Over Coffee," and primarily makes his living from the sale of the original pieces, which he shows two to five times a year in galleries, museums, restaurants and cafes.

An Illustrated Life: Jane Lafazio

Jane Lafazio

Jane grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, then married and moved to the Oregon, South Korea, Los Angeles and now San Diego. She has degrees in graphic design and Asian studies and has taken many classes and workshops. She is an artist and teacher who work has been published in various magazines and books. She recently received a yearlong grant to create a program to give free art classes to low-income fourth and fifth graders. Visit to see the children's art. Visit Jane's art at and to see her work.

Source: An Illustrated Life