Creative Workspaces and Home Offices

It's always interesting to look at the workspace and home offices of artists. Here are some that I came across recently:

Hans Bacher workspace

Studios of artists from

Thomas Fluharty

Man Arenas

Beauty and the Beast workspace

Erick Tran Workspace

Mel Milton Workspace

And when I look into Flickr, I found a few more groups dedicated to creative workspace and home offices:

Flickr: Creative Workspace

Flickr: Workspaces - No Computers!

Flickr: Art Studio

Flickr: Inspiration Boards

Flickr: artist STUDIOS

Flickr: The Art on My Table

Below are workspace not relating specifically to art and craft creation.

This is the Unclutter Flickr pool. It's general home offices and workspace.

Flickr: Unclutterer Workspaces

Flickr: The Annotated work spaces

Flickr: Professional Creatives At Home

Flickr: Blogger's Desk

Do you have any interesting workspace websites or photos to share?


been meaning to set up my own studio, these are all very inspiring! thanks

Wow, this is a great collection. I love looking at the workspaces (and homes) of other creative people. Thanks for putting this together!

Judy (@sketchgrrl on twitter)

Honestly, I would be very embarrassed to show off my workspace at the moment. I am the kind of artist who brings order from chaos.

I am looking into overhauling my workspace though and it is helpful to peer into what my fellow artists are up to. It looks like they aren't more organized then I am for the most part so I won't beat myself up about it.

Being artists, you can expect messy and unique work spaces, I know people who are not artists or anything and still have as creative workstations too.

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