Results for Art Book Review Contest #10

Results for Art Book Review Contest #10

The winner is kaseyann who reviewed Ashley Wood's Extreme Finales.

There aren't a lot of reviews in December but here they are:

Here are all the books reviewed by readers so far.

The deadline for the next contest, #11, is on 31 Jan 2011.

For more details on the art book review contest, check out "Win a prize with your art book review".


great work every body
i bet that now after Christmas there will be allot more book reviews

i just received an art-book
and i'll be soon posting a review

Wow, didn't even think I qualified for the contest. I'm just super happy with the free shout out I got from it~ :)

Thanks alot Parka, and happy new year!

Does anybody know of a site where you can import the Junography art book? Ive tried google but havent been able to bring one up yet.

I've replied back to a comment on the forums^

Try requesting a special order from Hanbooks.
Otherwise wait a little longer and North American sources should have it in limited stocks.

I know several sources that have the book available to people overseas but unfortunately it's only in Korean.

In reply to by Jenn (not verified)

The website is in Korean or the book is in Korean? Cause if the book is in Korean I dont care, Ill order it anyways. But if the website is Korean then I wont be able to navigate. Could you please be more specific. I want the book no matter what language it comes in.

In reply to by Manny (not verified)

The websites are in Korean.

Hold up a bit. I've sent a couple of emails to the publisher to inquire about international sales.
Send me a email at yo.jenn[@] so I can follow up when I get a response.

*** I've received word from the Publisher (Viel) that international sales will be possible. Correspondence in English will not be a problem. If interested, leave a note with your contact information or email me at yo.jenn[@]

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