Results for Art Book Review Contest #15

Results for Art Book Review Contest #15


The winner is Youal who reviewed J. Scott Campbell's Danger Girl Sketchbook. Congrats!

All other art book reviewed this month:

Seth Steiner reviewed a couple of art books that came with video games. Of particular note is the gigantic art book Last Man Standing: Killbook of a bounty hunter reviewed by ye51d - I didn't know it even existed - It's very heavy so there's a heavy weight surcharge if you're getting it from Amazon.

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Next Contest

The deadline for the next contest, #16, is on 30 June 2011.

Comic books are now also eligible for contest prizes.

For more details on the art book review contest, check out "Win a prize with your art book review".


Congratulation Youal :)

Again, very nice to see what was reviewed, I myself will add some more this month. Photos are already taken.^^

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