Book Review: The Will Eisner Sketchbook

The Will Eisner Sketchbook

The Will Eisner Sketchbook is positively amazing! I'm saying that because I read his comics and do a bit of cartooning myself.

The book is a clothed hardcover, perfect bind with 200 pages. The paper is thick and mildly yellow.

On these pages are the best reproduction of pencil drawings I've even seen. As I rub my thumb across the textured cross hatches, I thought I would smudge the paper and pick up graphite on my thumb. It's almost like holding Will Eisner's original sketches in hand! Brilliant.

Inside, the sketches are grouped accordingly to the titles he has created. It includes The Spirit, A Contract with God, A Life Force, The Dreamer, To The Heart of Storm, The Neighborhood Dropsie Avenue, The Last Hero, A Family Matter, The Princess and the Frog, Last Day in Vietnam and Minor Miracles.

These are the concept drawings and panel layouts for his comics. There are even character designs. While some of the sequences are long with dialogue included, they are not complete so you'll still have to get his original books for the stories. You can see how Will Eisner designs his panels and writes his stories. It's all very inspiring to see the work-in-progress of the master comic artist. Since this is a sketchbook, there are many that never made it to the final art.

This book is highly recommended, more so if you draw comics.


The Will Eisner Sketchbook is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | JP | CN)

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I bought this book after I read this post here.
"I thought I would smudge the paper and pick up graphite on my thumb." ..I agree!!!
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