Book Review: 3000 Moments: A Collection of Sketches by Pascal Campion

3000 Moments: A Collection of Sketches by Pascal Campion - 01

Pascal Campion is a French-American illustrator and animator living in Sacramento, C.A. USA. I've featured his works and books a few times on the blog over the years.

To develop his own art and style, he started "Sketch of the Day" in 2005 and has been drawing every since. Every once in a while after creating enough sketches, he would compile them into his Oogely Boogeley series of artbooks. He gave me two when we met at San Diego Comic Con 2009. In 2012, he came out with another book called Sunny Side. And in August 2014, he produced the 3000th sketch.

It has be an incredible journey for him. And as someone watching from the sidelines for years, it's inspiring. Drawing something every day is not easy. Drawing something good every day is even harder. His work rate is amazing.

3000 Moments is the result of years of work and a successful Kickstarter campaign in August 2014 that was backed by over 1600 people.

For years I've been wondering when he's going to come up with a proper artbook that collects his many artworks. Well, this is the book.

It's a 272-page hardcover book featuring a selection of his daily sketches, which are actually digital paintings. The images are from 2007 to September 2014. The selection features mainly scenes with people, beautiful moments of time people spend with each other. There are pieces of couples dating, walking on the beach, families (Pascal's included) playing, children running after butterflies and other emotive scenes.

His play on lighting and colours are masterful, even though he says in the book he knows not much about colour theory. There are also a few interviews with him talking about his career, inspiration and two tutorials at the back, one looking at his drawing process and the other talks about his first Marvel cover, the one with Wolverine.

I noticed that the many pieces he drew with animals as subjects have taken a back seat in the book with just a few pieces being featured.

The book was supposed to be 250 pages. The extra pages came from reaching the funding stretch goals on Kickstarter. The additional pages features guest artists artworks which feels slightly out of place even though they are and look beautiful. It's just that I felt more Pascal art could be squeezed in.

For those who did not manage to back the book on Kickstarter, you can still get the book at

Continue to follow Pascal Campion's "Sketch of the Day" at and

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good afternoon! please tell me, can I buy this book somewhere now?

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