Book Review: Facial Expressions Babies to Teens: A Visual Reference for Artists

Facial Expressions Babies to Teens: A Visual Reference for Artists

This 256 page paperback collects the facial expressions from babies to teens 19 years of age. They are all head shots and there are 32 on one page, that's a lot, covering many possible angles.

The expressions can be a bit exaggerated at times though. On some photos, there are some lens distortion. I suspect the camera uses a slight wide angle lens so there's some distortions typical of such a lens - fish eye effect or objects near to lens appear bigger and those far away are much smaller. Just note that the portraits are not 100% accurate in this case.

Right at the back is a small section on phonemes and the kids wearing different hats.

It's a decent reference guide but note the limitation.

If you want to learn more about facial expressions, I would recommend The Artist's Complete Guide to Facial Expression by Gary Faigin.


This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook or visit their website.

Facial Expressions Babies to Teens: A Visual Reference for Artists is also available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | JP | CN)

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This book was borrowed from Basheer Graphic Books for review purposes. You can order the book from them. Check with Basheer on Facebook or visit their website.


I bought this book a few months ago. My big problem with the book is the binding. It's perfect binding so the pages are glued to the cover. The first copy of the book I bought, the pages completely separated from the cover, and the book was about to fall apart after one week of light use. I returned the book to get a new, less defective copy, but the new copy also had defective binding. I don't know if all the books have that problem, but it's something to be aware of.

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