Juxtapoz Poster Art

Juxtapoz Poster Art

Images and book description are from Gingko Press:

The third book in an ongoing series from the seminal West Coast art and culture magazine, Juxtapoz Poster Art focuses on the art of screen print posters. In the past 10 years screen printing has ballooned in popularity and a new class of artists has emerged.

These artists stepped away from the psychedelic posters of the ’60s and developed their own aesthetic — incorporating everything from hand-drawn type to found objects. Their posters have become sought-after collectors items for art and music fans alike.

Featured artists include: Jason Munn, Michael Motorcycle, Little Friends of Printmaking, Jesse LeDoux, ThinkMule, Paul Insect, Seripop, Brandy Flower, Aesthetic Apparatus, Decoder Ring, Nick Butcher, Rocky Grimes, Tyler Stout, Tim Gough and more.


Juxtapoz Poster Art is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | JP)

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I absolutely love artistic band & film posters with unique graphic design. It's not a very common thing these days. Check out MONDO. There's some incredible posters for SUCKER PUNCH, KILL BILL, etc...

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