Results for Art Book Review Contest #16

Results for Art Book Review Contest #16


The winner is Ikage who reviewed Skullgirls Sketchbook. He's the first two time winner, having won in November 2010 as well.

I'll also pick another additional winner this month, just to get a new winner.

The second winner is stainspecktacle who reviewed Groundwork of FLCL.

Congrats to both winners.

Here are all other art book reviewed in June 2011 by readers:

There are a couple of game related art books reviewed by Seth Steiner worth checking out. And Dragon Age II Collector's Edition reviewed by Frutivalandil.

Warriors and Warlords: The Art of Angus McBride looks very good as well, reviewed by Halcyon.

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Next Contest

The deadline for the next contest, #17, is on 31 July 2011.

For more details on the art book review contest, check out "Win a prize with your art book review".


Maybe I'll have better luck next time :(
Congrats to both winners!

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