Sean "Cheeks" Galloway's Instagram problems

Sean "Cheeks" Galloway is an extremely talented and prolific artist.

Recently, he shared on Facebook the problem he has with Instagram.

His first account on Instagram was @cheeks_galloway which was said to be hit by the algorithm. Then he created @seangallowayart (235K followers) and that was hit by the algorithm again. Few days ago he created @seangallowayartist and that page has been taken down by Instagram.

For an artist as hardworking as Sean Galloway to not make it on Instagram, what chances do other artists have? And the art Galloway shares are fanart, pop culture, beautiful artworks that are so share-able, and yet he is hit by the algorithm. It's crazy.

Using social media to promote your art is can get your more exposure due to the immense reach of those platforms. However, getting hit by the algorithm can happen to anyone on any social media platform. So it's always good to have a backup plan.

Anyway, go follow Sean Galloway on Facebook and Instagram!


It seems something in the name and surname confuses the algorithm. Does Instagram have personel in support or everything is automated? Fortunately, there are other ways for artists to promote themselves and have virtual presence in the web.

Do not throw all eggs in the same basket, folks.

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