The Incognito Project Book

Update: I've just funded this book for a future giveaway contest.

Terry Strickland (blog) has launch a Kickstarter campaign to release her first art book The Incognito Project Book.

It's going to be 9.5 by 12 inches — that's huge — with at least 100 pages including the paintings and photos of the making-of.

It's a good book. Help spread the word around.


Robert Valley is looking to publish his two-part comic book series PEAR CIDER AND CIGARETTES on Kickstarter. I love his style of art. Check out some art from his Massive Serve no4. Most of the Massive Serve comics are already out of print so he's using some money for those reprints as well. Those are great books.

You can help him out at

I like how he's so busy the intro video has to be created while driving.