Joseph Zbukvic, Alvaro Castagnet and Herman Pekel paints together

The Greatest Watercolour Show in the World - The Three Amigos

Watch how three of the greatest watercolour artists work together to paint a huge piece of watercolour painting. It's interesting and entertaining to see the interaction between Joseph Zbukvic, Alvaro Castagnet and Herman Pekel

Design Unscripted 2, Concept Design artbook (Kickstarter)

Caleb Prochnow has just notified me of an upcoming artbook called Design Unscripted 2 that's coming out on Kickstarter.

It's a 100-page community-based artbook with artworks from various artists.

I've seen the artworks from Volume 1 and they look great. You can check out some artworks from Volume 2 on their Kickstarter page at

The fund-raising campaign ends on 2 May 2015.