Book Review: Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works is actually a half of the 336-page Japanese art book "R20 ロックマン&ロックマンX オフィシャルコンプリートワークス" which was published in March 2008 to celebrate Mega Man's 20th anniversary. It's nice to have Capcom translate the book into English. The other half is Mega Man: Complete Works.

This book retains the paperback format, low gloss pages and layout. The cover has a glossy embossed Mega Man X printed against a matte cover. It's very beautiful and X pops out nicely. This book has 144 pages compared to the Mega Man volume which has 200 pages.

There are both good and bad in releasing the original book as two volumes in English. The bad, of course, is the higher price. The good is the it's thinner and more friendly to the book spine. By comparison, my 320-page "SF20", also from Capcom, has slight creases when I open the book wide.

The art inside is arranged by chronological order. The book is filled with colourful character designs, sketches and illustrations from game covers, manga and other merchandise. The variety is amazing. The pages are packed with so many versions of powered up Mega Man X, the bosses and enemies.

The designs are beautiful and detailed. I've never actually played Mega Man X before so this book isn't as nostalgic as the other volume, but whatever you can think of is probably found in this book.

Accompanying the designs are lots of quotes from the Japanese artists. They talk about the characters, ideas, and you can gain some interesting insight into their working environment. There are 8 artists doing the designs and they are Ryuji Higurashi, Hayato Kaji, Keisuke Mizuno, Tatsuya Yoshikawa, Shinsuke Komaki, Haruki Suetsugu, Sho Tsuge and Yoshihisa Tsuda.

This book is a great tribute to the Mega Man X franchise, highly recommended to all fans.

If you like this book, check out Mega Man: Official Complete Works also.

The full list of game titles included are:

  • Mega Man X to X8
  • Mega Man Xtreme
  • Mega Man Xtreme 2
  • Mega Man X: Command Mission
  • Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works is available at Amazon (US | CA | UK | DE | FR | IT | JP)

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

Mega Man X: Official Complete Works

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where is the origin this is made? i found one made in hong kong. is that a fake?

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